Autism and toxic friendships and relationships


This week I said goodbye to a friend I had known for a long time. I sent her a message explaining why I needed to distance myself and was blocking her. It was a very hard thing to do but it had become apparent that our relationship was not based on mutual respect and that she had become a toxic presence in my life. I did not do this lightly but it got to a point of no return. I won’t go into detail because this post isn’t really about my friendship. It is about understanding, identifying and managing toxic friendships and relationships for autistic people generally.

Autistic people can have significant challenges around managing toxic friendships. A friendship may start out toxic or become that way over time. For people who may be isolated and lonely, the offer of friendship can be a welcome thing and it may be…

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Let it Go

Hi lovelies, my YouTube friend, Tracie, who has been a great inspiration to me, has started a blog and I thought many of you may be interested….

Tracie Fox Creative

It is 4.15 am right now and I was thinking this is a good time to share my next tip for getting organised and this one, may also help your sleep.

So many things can affect our sleep and there are many solutions that you can try to improve the quality and amount of sleep you get. I have, over the years, tried most of them and I have to say I have simply come to accept that I need to get to bed around 10.00 pm, and I will be up around 4.00 am. I will also wake several times in-between.

When I go to bed I can pretty much fall asleep immediately and if I wake during the night I am no longer awake for hours at a time. This is partially, if not completely, down to more planning. It sounds crazy but I am going to introduce…

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(My) Autism ~ Stripping the pipelines

the silent wave

I suppose I’ve been in sort of a cocoon lately.  To transform into what, I don’t quite know yet.  I’m not even exactly certain that that’s what I’ve been doing.  But, that’s what it feels like at times.  Alexithymia is multi-dimensional, I guess; I’m not sure it’s limited to emotions.  In fact, it might pertain to multiple areas of thought and feeling.  Especially when thoughts and feelings blur.

Thoughts these days.

I’m also not sure exactly why this particular time is an introspective one for me.  I do have the feeling that I’m standing on the edge, just barely able to make out some shape on the horizon.  I can’t yet tell what it is.  Not only is it hard to tell, but it would be even harder to try to express.

I know many of you may be able to relate.

Words can be so cumbersome anyway.  It occurred…

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Going ‘live’ this afternoon…

Hello 👋

Just in case you are interested I’m going live on YouTube this afternoon at 2pm UK time.  The link to my channel is…

The link is actually to my first proper live but it takes you in the right direction.

I’m going to demonstrate how I make a little journal from one piece of printer paper.

You are welcome to lurk or participate in the chat.

Thanks, Tracey xx 🌼

Edit: link to this afternoons live video