Blogging hiccup

Hi lovelies,

I’ve recently been trying to alter my email notifications as I was getting so so many but in the process I don’t think WordPress could cope. I know of one blogger that somehow got unfollowed and I didn’t realise until I came upon her blog again and saw the little button inviting me to follow. Oh dear, methinks, how many other people have been unfollowed unintentionally…?

The other problem is that the notifying via email is only working in part.

If you have not seen me visiting in the last couple of months please can you let me know? Thank you.

I shall have to go through each of my approx 800 follows slowly as to not confuse WordPress and check each one but that won’t bring back those blogs that I may somehow have unfollowed.

Please accept my apologies ❤

Following blogs

In currently following 336 sites! I sure that number will increase. I just can’t help myself, there are so many interesting people out there. I am interested to know how many blogs my followers follow and what they think is a healthy number before it all gets too much. By too much I think I mean when you feel overwhelmed. I guess that is individual preference. Forgive me, this is more a stream of consciousness than a well thought out post. Actually, that seems to be how I write most posts.

Susie’s blog party is a great idea. It’s been done before but it’s the first time I’ve heard of or experienced one. I do regular searches through WordPress reader but the party feels quite different as it feels like socialising without the all the usual sensory upheaval. It’s certainly keeping me entertained  😃

Returning to the following of blogs… There have been a few that I’ve unfollowed for one reason or another. As an autistic person I find some blogs very uncomfortable to look at, and some that that lower my mood too far. I have to protect myself. Yesterday I read a wonderful post and wanted to share with you. I hesitated over it but unsure why. When I revisited I realised there were flickering images. The first time I was too involved in the content to worry about it but once I noticed I realised I didn’t want to inflict that on to my followers or myself.

Thank you and welcome to my eight new followers that have popped over from the party. I hope you enjoy your visits here 🙂

I’d like to thank all my followers for the sense of community I feel. Good bless you all xx