CAL – week two

I’ve just completed this week’s four rows. I’m using odd balls from the acrylic yarn collection and at present it’s got a vintage vibe. I doubt it will stay like that.

So here’s a couple of pictures for you…



So far I’ve learned how to make bobbles and double treble stitches. It’s good to be stretched a bitΒ Β πŸ˜ƒ

You’re going to laugh when I tell you about my big mistake though πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Since when can the numeral 1 be confused with a 2…? The starting chain was meant to be 180. Hmm, I know, it’s going to be a big blanket! The silly thing was that I didn’t realise until Eleonora’s instructions said I should have thirty bobbles when that particular row was completed. So I counted… 46 bobbles! I refuse to start again. It means the sides will not be perfectly matched but the pro outweighs this con because it means I’ll use a lot more of my acrylic stash oddments up πŸ™Œ

Eleonora put a lot of effort into this week’s installment as she had to make her very first video. Goodness me that is a lot of work. Thanks so much Eleonora for your efforts as I definitely benefited from the video tutorial πŸ™‚

(The green knitted item in the background is a shawl being blocked.)

Click here to be taken to this CAL’s home at Coastal Crochet.


Author: yarnandpencil

I'm a Christian on the autistic spectrum blogging about life and my art/craft practice.

41 thoughts on “CAL – week two”

  1. It looks fabulous Tracey! Don’t worry about the extra stitches (although it sounds like your blanket is going to be really big!(cosy!😊) ) So long as you work out what turning chains you need as you may be finishing on a different stitch to me at the end of your rows. There are a few people doing it with a different number of stitches to me (for various reasons) so I’ll try to explain as we go along! Wonderful colours…😊❀️

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    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I don’t think I can keep the colour combo up. I’m using odd balls and many of them will clash but it’s early days and I might yet get given another bag of someone’s cast offs to choose from πŸ˜†

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          1. I always start out saying I’ll just be very random and let the colors fall where they may. Then I always end up buying a bit more yarn to even things out/perfect things. πŸ˜‚

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            1. πŸ˜† yes that would be me too but I’m on a ‘mustn’t buy any acrylic yarn’ diet for 2018 lol πŸ˜† I will probably go and raid the complete balls of acrylic yarn stashed in the studio. They have to be used up too πŸ™‚ I’ve been arguing with myself about this, haha πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

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